Belongs to Me

Abe Drennan

This folk song features the harmonica and is a personal reflection about owning his power. So easily does it get wasted away with thoughts of past and future, by things that don’t exist. Guilt and regret eat it up too. Yet, he’s always just a thought away from gaining it back. As water flows and earth spins, so does the heart pump blood through

This folk song features the harmonica and is a personal reflection about owning his power. So easily does it get wasted away with thoughts of past and future, by things that don’t exist. Guilt and regret eat it up too. Yet, he’s always just a thought away from gaining it back. As water flows and earth spins, so does the heart pump blood through veins. In the moment, clarity lives and infinite power exists. A gift that belongs to all of us. This is the 3rd single release of a new EP he is working on with Bell Rock Recording in Fort Smith, NWT.

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